Thank you for submitting your poetry to Utah Life Magazine.
We look forward to reading your creative work. If you wish to submit multiple poems, please compile them into one document. Before submitting a poem, consider the upcoming issues' themes, which you can access here. Also, make sure to subscribe to our magazine to stay up to date on Utah's latest poetry.
Poetry Instructions
We look for poems that reveal the many facets of life in Utah. We don’t have a limit on style or number of lines (though poems usually range between three and twenty lines). There is also no limit to the number of poems per submission. Poems are printed to coincide with a theme announced in previous issues. Original work is preferred, though occasionally work published previously in anthologies, books or other sources may be considered. We prefer poems to be submitted as a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF file attachment so that the editor can see the poet’s preferred formatting. We'll often hold poems for possible future use and as such don't often send formal "rejection" letters. If you'd like to withdraw a poem previously submitted, please email Published poets are sent a complimentary copy of the magazine showcasing their work.
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