Photo Submission
Subscribe Now!Beautiful. That word sums it up. Whether we’re showing landscapes, wildlife, people, communities, history or food, our photos are visually compelling. We accept stock photography and also make full feature-story assignments. Photographers should strive to communicate a sense of place in photos submitted to the magazine. If you are working on a major feature story for us, we appreciate seeing all of your images, rather than a small selection. We sometimes see diamonds you might have overlooked.
If you are preparing a feature query for us, think through the text and suggest how and who might accomplish that component of the story. Options include photographer written, staff written or freelance written. In some cases, we can interview you as the photographer and re-cast your words into a text story.
Pictures that are exposed in exemplary lighting conditions, are designed with compositions that are pleasing to the eye and that depict impactful moments in time have an increased chance of being published in Utah Life Magazine.
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